Me and The Others

all of us

Our Stuff Here on Friday

I have been in London since November 25th, 2011. This Friday, February 10th, 2012, our things from the US should arrive. I have a mix of excitement, relief and panic. It is amazing how little I’ve really needed since we’ve been here.

Somethings that I have had to buy and have used repeatedly are: scissors, rubber bands, and note paper.

Things that help me feel settled even without all my “stuff” are: a library card, a nearby grocery store, and a park/playground.

Things that I have discovered I am thankful that I have with me are: scarves, wool sweater, warm boots, and a sharp knife (thank you Pat for my new one, as I was lame and had to surrender my favorite pocket knife to the New York airport security).

The things that I am most excited about getting on Friday are: my sewing machine, my new Annie Glass plates & bowls that I’ve never used, a proper set of cooking knives, and my tool box. Oh yeah, and my silk dying frame, but don’t tell Jeff as that is going to be big and messy.

What I am most worried about is that I’ve sent way too much stuff to England. I’ve really enjoyed living in a very simple home with very little to take care of beyond my husband and children. I dread that feeling of panic in having to decide on what to keep and what to get rid of. I know we will need to get rid of a lot of things as, there is limited storage. I don’t have a garage, attic, storage shed or extra closet the size of a small bedroom.

Another thing I have been thinking about, is that when I am out and about and I have the urge to buy something, most of the time I say to myself, “just wait until you’ve got your things to see what you have before you buy anything.” The rest of the time the girls are pulling my arms saying. “Come on Mom, we don’t need that.”

I just need to keep reminding myself, that I don’t need to buy the perfect tool for every job. Sometimes it is better to just make do with what you have rather than bring more “stuff” into your life.


Yesterday as we walked out of the subway to find it snowing!!! It now its a day later and most of the snow has melted. But we did get some good play time in. So sorry for not writing, see we don’t have any internet, we’re just borrowing the neighbors.

work website

I just got introduced to a website called Free Rice — I love it! When I get a question correct the site donates 10 grains of rice to a place that needs the food. Here is how you can get to the website search free It is good for 5 to 100 years of age. I would recommend the famous paintings category. I have done 3 categories so far and I have earned more than 1,000 grains of rice in one day.

house hunting

I am so glad that house hunting is over, we got a place in Clapham area. The house is a lot like our Majors Street house Mom & Dad’s room is at the end of the hall. Emeline & my room is in the middle of the hall. The kitchen is big.

bye for now

The 16th of January on a Monday quote


Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking.

Read more:

that was by Einstein

It is to true, and a though I  have given into the lazy habits of thinking which my mother will soundly

agree, my brain think far a head of my word, leaving others in the dust of  my thoughts


Today’s word has a beauty  diffrent from the normal simplicity from use, this one has a art to it a simple beauty.



  oo-TRAHNS  , noun;

The utmost extremity.


Sorry for the wrong words, my IPad auto corrects everything whithout telling me!!!!


I wish to quote a person for a day, say and spread great quotes. I also want to spread knowledge so I will write and say a quote as well as a new word, if anyone has a sugesstion just let me know!

“Imagination is more important than Knowledge…”

That is not the full quotes so if you search it online you CAN find the full quote.

This quote is by Albert Einstein


why you might ask did I chose  such a common word, I chose this  word because in 2012 several over used words were “banished” amazing was on the list

This was what I got when I lookeed it up in the dictionary


World English Dictionary
amazing  (əˈmeɪzɪŋ) [Click for IPA pronunciation guide]
— adj
causing wonder or astonishment: amazing feats

Laptop Problems and more

Sorry for not posting, for one my laptop is  messed up so I’m using my Ipad and It’s hard to multitask on it,  I also had a visit from my counselor, Ayala. So I was trying to get ready for her.  On top of that my mom has deisded that the next to weeks we will focus on SHerlock Holmes, so ofcourse the realistic fiction I am writing  will become a mystery, Which made me have to give some structure to my story so I know what happens of course! Even though I searched it up on the web and did the math for dates and times I figured out the mystery and solution, when I wrote the timeline, it starts AND ends without a mystery, maybe I’ll just sow  in a small mystery in with the story, then mom will have her fix. 🙂 Something that drove me to write was that mom, dad and I agreed that if I wrote 250 a week for one moth they would get me a writing program. That is what is driving me, Eli has one too, if she reads 100 words a week for one month than she gets her own bag of cheese balls!


Bye for now!

The Illusive Sherlock Holmes

I had hoped to eat chinese food and watch Sherlock Holmes with Jeff and the girls on Christmas Day. I had heard from more than one set of Jewish friends in the states that this is the formula for Christmas Day. I thought it sounded like a good idea. However nearly everything was closed on Christmas Day in London. No Chinese food near us!  No movie theaters! No subway system!

No worries, we’ll go see it one evening in France, that would be fun to read the subtitles. Again, my efforts were thwarted. Sherlock doesn’t open until Jan 23rd in France.

However, Monday, the day after New Years Day it happened. We went to see Sherlock Holmes, A Game of Shadows, at the Marble Arch Odeon theater at 6 pm. We loved the show. I especially liked it because it because it reinforced all the stuff we’d just been to see. There were scenes with Trafalgar Square, where we went with the Lauridsen’s a couple weeks ago, The Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, and references to Gare du Nord. The only place in Paris, that was featured prominently that we missed was the Opera house. We’ll have to add that to the wish list for our next trip.

The palace in “Switzerland” at the end of the movie, is fictional, however the waterfall is real. Apparently  Sir Arthur Conan Doyle had been there and it was actually referenced in The Final Problem.

Quote from Wikipedia:
The Reichenbach Falls (Reichenbachfall) are a series of waterfalls on the River Aar near Meiringen in Bern canton in central Switzerland. They have a total drop of 250 m (820 ft). At 90 m (295.2 ft), the Upper Reichenbach Falls is one of the highest cataracts in the Alps. The falls are made accessible by the Reichenbachfall-Bahn funicular railway.

I also discovered I like the artist J.M.W.Turner.  Here is a picture of his of Reichenbach Falls.

Too bad the palace in Switzerland in the movie wasn’t real, but the falls look like something to go see if our journey should head in that direction.

Finally, the movie kept referencing Brighton for Watson’s honeymoon, when we got on the subway to come home, the advert on the train was for a store in Brighton.  Perhaps we’ll have to plan a visit to Brighton, which is in the south of England. Yes, I had to go look it up, I do that a lot.  What did people do before Wikipedia?

I just love when stuff overlaps like that.

Anyway, we enjoyed the movie, but we still haven’t had chinese food. Soon, very soon.


First Christmas, First New Year

Hey all, it’s Anton here. It’s been quite a while since I’ve posted or indeed had any sort of communication with…well, just about anyone. So let me assure you all I’m doing quite well, about as well as could be expected, and let me briefly summarize my last few weeks of Christmas break.

SO a while ago it was this thing called Christmas. Anywhere from 3 weeks to 3 days ago, depending on if you’re Orthodox or not. So anyway. In the past, my time on Christmas has been easy to divide up. I’ve simply spent the first half of the day at one house, the other half, at the other. And obviously sometimes we’d go to other houses of various family members, but that part I didn’t have to worry about. The pattern was as inexplicable and unchangeable as the tide, because I was a kid and I went with the family wherever we all happened to go. HOWEVER! As it turns out having both parents leave before Christmas is both liberating and challenging. I found myself with several offers of places to go for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, and suddenly I needed to choose because it was less than a week away. Not wanting to offend or slight anyone, I really couldn’t choose. So I went to my brother’s house instead, because I was pretty used to spending it with him, at least. (My brother, AKA Andreas, is somewhat well known in these parts, so I won’t talk about him much.)(He makes really good pasta.)(And is pretty funny.)(But seriously, that’s all I’m gonna say about him.)

Right. Where was I? UHHHH yeah, Christmas day. Andreas made food, people came over, I played Starcraft, and all was merry. As if that wasn’t good enough, I also got invited to dinner at my girlfriend’s house, and it was pretty delicious, not gonna lie.

So that was my first Christmas on my own…ish. And technically speaking you could say it was my first “Christ”mas ever cause, you know, wasn’t a Christian last year. Weird.
Then New Year’s Eve rolled around, and I went and had a movie/Avatar The Last Airbender Marathon at Kaitlyn’s, stayed up until 2, opened a cracker for I think like the second time ever, and still I instinctively write 199.. and then have to change it whenever I’m trying to write down the year. But I suppose I’ll get better at that when I grow up.

Since then I’ve been on a path of doing…well, pretty much nothing. Gone to church a few times. Saw a wonderful Christmas concert. Took Kaitlyn ice skating(it was bad. Seriously. I can’t remember the last time I had that much fun.) Got to Diamond League on Starcraft. Went swing dancing at a birthday party, saw some friends, went to the fantabulous Lawrence house for some great food and company. And generally I’ve had a good time on my school break.

All that good nonsense is coming to a close in a couple weeks. However, here’s the important part. I’ve had my rest. I had a sadly necessary departure from school last semester and like all things in this new, more independent life there were, are, and will be consequences. But I’m ready now. I think my head’s in the right place this time around, and I’m starting to figure out what my life is going to look like for the forseeable future. And the first big change in that is I’m trying to get a job. Exciting, right?

Time for my favorite quote, from the movie “Up”. You know, the one with the flying house? Yeah, you know the one.

“Adventure is out there.”
