Me and The Others

all of us

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

London Textile Fair

We went to the London Textile Fair on Wednesday because my mom wanted to see what it was about. There were tons and tons of fabric!!! They had bright colors and dark colors, sparkly and dull, big and little, patterns and plain, after seeing a lot my eyes started to hurt.  They sell swatches of fabric so […]

Dog Poop

Don’t you just love the steamy pile? Giggle, gross, giggle, gross. 🙂 Dog Poop – for the first time in 14 years I don’t have a dog, so you may wonder why I would write a blog post about Dog Poop. I do not understand why people do no pick up after their dogs. Now […]


So I was at home one day, really bored because my mom was talking about something I really just couldn’t get myself to care about… Now if you heard your self saying that in any way: I was at_____ one day, really bored because my_______ was talking about something I really couldn’t get myself to […]

Queens Diamond Jubilee

This Year the Queen and all of London celebrated the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.  She has been the reigning Queen for 60 years.  The longest reigning Monarch in England was Queen Victoria, 64 years. The Jubilee was the topic of nearly every conversation, shop window display, Brownie and Guides activities…. you get the idea.  The girls […]

Making Sandals

We’ve done and seen so much.  We’ll see if I can get a few short blogs up. MAKING SANDALS We had a terrific time making sandals, now if the weather will cooperate so we can wear them regularly. It was fun to see the totally different styles that each person designed and made.  Yes, we […]

Best Week in London

Upon  reflection, or from a strangers point of view last week, was pretty terrible. Let I still count it as one of my very favorite weeks here in London, even though we had one VERY big set back! The stomach flu!  I had it first on the night of the 3rd I pukedand day of […]

Horrible History

Horrible history is a show that is GROSE and tells you about the worse side of history and it will make the history funny for some kids to watch you might find it on BBC, YouTube or PBS

24 hours or less

so without a car you do a lot of walking and bike/tube riding, we got bikes yesterday, used hoping that no bike theif would want used bikes! WRONG today between 1:30 and 3:30 some one stole eli’s bike

Iron Gym Day 3

So since I home school  we often go days without going outside, we couldn’t run or jump of do had stands any were in the house except of a 4×6 foot mat, and I remembered how much I loved using Anton’s door way pull up bar, so I put 1+1 together and asked for a […]

Camping in the house Day 1

I have set up camp and right now I am in need of some supplies like more blankets and 1 more stuffed animal.                                                                 […]