This morning mom came into our room, she set Eliana down in my bed and she told us that as we knew one of Cali’s back legs were giving her trouble… well yesterday morning her other hind leg gave out. The vets had told us that if that happened there was nothing they could do […]
So I was at home one day, really bored because my mom was talking about something I really just couldn’t get myself to care about… Now if you heard your self saying that in any way: I was at_____ one day, really bored because my_______ was talking about something I really couldn’t get myself to […]
Upon reflection, or from a strangers point of view last week, was pretty terrible. Let I still count it as one of my very favorite weeks here in London, even though we had one VERY big set back! The stomach flu! I had it first on the night of the 3rd I pukedand day of […]
so without a car you do a lot of walking and bike/tube riding, we got bikes yesterday, used hoping that no bike theif would want used bikes! WRONG today between 1:30 and 3:30 some one stole eli’s bike
So since I home school we often go days without going outside, we couldn’t run or jump of do had stands any were in the house except of a 4×6 foot mat, and I remembered how much I loved using Anton’s door way pull up bar, so I put 1+1 together and asked for a […]
Hi so I haven’t written in a while but I am hoping that will change since Mom, Eli and I are trying out a new system were we put blocks of time to something and then do it, for exaple this morning my alarm went off at 7 which we planned then the next hour […]
they all I am working on organic chemistry in school right now and I was wondering id=f any of you had some links I should look at? anyway here are some pix from various thing we have been doing us our dinner,then… our dinner! this is about the green picture above: oops, this is […]
Today (8/3/12) we are making cookies, I’ll post the link to the recipe soon! Does anyone have some favorites, then we can make then and post pictures of them! 😀 to see the recipe click here
Hey there, Just felt like writing. Today mom has no voice so we mostly stayed home, Although we and Eli did go to the market around the corner. Wish us good luck, Cause tomorrow we are going to the royal school of needle work! Yay! Happy 1st of March!