Hey Emeline here, I don’t know what to write and well I have to write something, here is a list of my favorite Horrible History Videos, Eli will show you spartan high school, I’ll show you the classics, and my other personal favorites: Wives of Henry the 8th Tudors Kings and Queens The 4 Georges […]
Our stuff came on Friday the 10th! Right now we have loads of stuff in our reception/dinning room. Of all the stuff my favorite was the iMac! Actually I am writing this post using the iMac YAY! Today we’re going to make cookies! :):) HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY This part of the post is sadder, my […]
Yesterday as we walked out of the subway to find it snowing!!! It now its a day later and most of the snow has melted. But we did get some good play time in. So sorry for not writing, see we don’t have any internet, we’re just borrowing the neighbors.
Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking. Read more:http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/a/albert_einstein.html#ixzz1jYvlX19p that was by Einstein It is to true, and a though I have given into the lazy habits of thinking which my mother will soundly agree, my brain think far a head of […]
Sorry for the wrong words, my IPad auto corrects everything whithout telling me!!!! I wish to quote a person for a day, say and spread great quotes. I also want to spread knowledge so I will write and say a quote as well as a new word, if anyone has a sugesstion just let […]
Sorry for not posting, for one my laptop is messed up so I’m using my Ipad and It’s hard to multitask on it, I also had a visit from my counselor, Ayala. So I was trying to get ready for her. On top of that my mom has deisded that the next to weeks we […]
I just realized that we haven’t written since France so I’ll write a quick post. Thank You s Thank you to the following: Thank you Grandpa Pat for the books and mini mouse. Thank you Aunt Caroline and Uncle Gary for the Amazon gift card. Thank you Grandpa Ron and Grandma Marlyn for the […]
On the 20th of December we went to the tower of London and Ice skated for a hour after that we had some hot chocolate, that one was nothing special, I mean it was delicious, but just the same as the pour the dust into hot milk kind. Then we went to the tower of […]
From the 19th to the 21 I wrote not a word, now mom is making me write, that’s fine though. She wants me to write about what we did. so I will, in small paragraphs. 19th of December On the 19th I saw some friends of mine, my mom’s, and my dad’s. my […]
Anne Boleyn It seems Anne Boleyn’s life was not easy, she had at least two unsuccessful engagements before King Henry VIII. She had one baby girl in 1533, followed by three miscarriages, by 1536 King Henry was courting another. Anne was charged for high treason, and later witchcraft, four days after her trial at […]