Today (8/3/12) we are making cookies, I’ll post the link to the recipe soon!
Does anyone have some favorites, then we can make then and post pictures of them! 😀
to see the recipe click here
all of us
Today (8/3/12) we are making cookies, I’ll post the link to the recipe soon!
Does anyone have some favorites, then we can make then and post pictures of them! 😀
to see the recipe click here
On Friday, 2 March 2012 I went to the Royal School of Needlwork (RSN) at Hampton Court Palace with Emeline and Eliana. We were enrolled in the Introduction to Embroidery Class. It was a dream come true.
14 years ago I came to England for three months while working for Borland as a marketing manager for a product called dBASE. I worked during the week and I ran around on the weekends to visit as much of England, and Europe for that matter, as I could manage in 3 months. I must admit that I did a fantastic job. But many things were missed. When I visited Hampton Court (where King Henry the VIII hung out) I discovered the RSN. I didn’t have time to take any of the classes. But I tucked it away and thought, some day I’ll be able to take a class here.
Ever since we started talking about moving, I’ve been hoping to take the class. I called to schedule the class for February and they were booked through till June. DISAPPOINTED!!!! However, as luck would have it, I was not the only one who was on the waiting list and they opened a new class. I wonder if paying for 3 people has anything to do with it? Anyway, we got into the Friday, March 2nd class. Yippy.
I ended up getting laryngitis the day before. I was feeling very sorry for myself, then I reminded myself that I was living in England and going to take a class at the RSN with my Girls, things couldn’t be all that bad and luckily needlework doesn’t require a lot of talking.
The girls and I made awesome samplers.
Okay the picture layout is not as I would have liked it, but it is going to be DONE now.
Hey there, Just felt like writing.
Today mom has no voice so we mostly stayed home, Although we and Eli did go to the market around the corner.
Wish us good luck, Cause tomorrow we are going to the royal school of needle work! Yay!
Happy 1st of March!
Happy Leap year all!
How did you like the horrible histories?
and don’t forget to see the video we made, mom spent ALL DAY making it.
One of my favorite meals from my first trip to Europe with my Dad while I was in my 20’s was raclette. I think I had it in Switzerland, but I can’t remember for sure, Dad do you remember where we had raclette? It is very simple. Boiled potatoes with melted cheese. The special raclette cheese is yummy and there are special raclette melting devices.
The stand (Kappacasein) at the borough market adds wonderful little pickles and pickled onions.
Watch a movie that the girls and I made of the making of Raclette at Borough Market London, click the link raclette medium
My brother Anton was on the San Jose State hockey team, the team was named the Spartans
here is a link to a horrible histories about spartans
To regain some control over my emotions and energy levels, I went off refined sugar for about 1.5 years. Unfortunately, I have completely fallen off the no sugar wagon. High tea with cream, sugar and scones and clotted cream have been my undoing.
Combine that with a wonderful French bakery just around the corner and I am doomed!
However on a different note, I have gone mostly vegetarian. In fact all four of us are essentially vegetarian. Emeline is the only truly dedicated one. Despite Jeff being the first to take the veggie status, I think he eats more meat than the rest of us. He likes adventure eating and meat is often in that category. For some reason meat feels scary in a foreign place, to me. In general Eliana and I are not fond of feeling like we are doing without (anything), but have come to prefer a vegetarian diet, so we no longer feel like we are doing without. It has even gotten to the point where if I order a nice big juicy burger at a restaurant I ask for a veggie patty.
Hey Emeline here, I don’t know what to write and well I have to write something, here is a list of my favorite Horrible History Videos, Eli will show you spartan high school, I’ll show you the classics, and my other personal favorites:
Enjoy the Videos.
PS. If you want to watch more BBC posts 30 minute videos of Horrible Histories.
Hey everyone, Anton here. Well I haven’t posted for a while buut things are going pretty well! Other than the fact that I’m sick. And have chores. Also there’s tons of homework. And I can’t really afford the food I want…
Okay, lemme start over. I had a moment a few days ago where I needed to clean the kitchen because my pasta spattered and I was pretty glad that I’d been forced to do that living with Leanne and Dad. So that’s pretty much my whole post. I’m tired. Girls, I know chores and stuff are irritating now, but you’ll be glad you know how when you “grow up”.
Our stuff came on Friday the 10th! Right now we have loads of stuff in our reception/dinning room. Of all the stuff my favorite was the iMac! Actually I am writing this post using the iMac YAY! Today we’re going to make cookies! :):) HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY
This part of the post is sadder, my Uncle Ryan just has surgery, Get Well Soon.