I have been searching for the fabric mecca of London since arriving here in November of 2011. Nearly a year later, I have found it. It is called Goldhawk Road at the end of the Shepards Bush Market. From South West London, I take the Northern Tube line to Stockwell station, change to Victoria Line […]
emeline and I made a new blog this is its link http://projectbake2012.wordpress.com/ it is new so there are not very many posts but yha how to post about 1-2 a week thanks Eliana
It is 11 and I am supposted to be sleeping but I cant because the new ipad has come out, iPad mini. It is 7.9 inches diagonal across. It has nearly everything from the “New iPad” except instead of a 6x power or something it has 5. When I go to CA in December I […]
It is 8:15 and I need to post this before tomorrow or there will be reckoning. This post is a update on my life! First, mom, Eli and I will meet up with dad in Budapest next Monday. Not much long after Eli will be going to school! After that I get to go to […]
Dad has told me to look into my interest so, I didn’t know what to do so I looked up Harry Potter on Wiki and found JK and started to read. The first thing I went OMG OMG at was this After working at Amnesty International in London, Rowling and her then-boyfriend decided to move […]
Well, I made a sling shot with my Mom. Dad made me write about it. Here is how we made the sling shot. First mom got a big fork shaped stick. I went and got out a bed sheet and spread it out on the floor in the living room. I went and got my Swiss […]
II was walking around in my room tossing up my tennis ball and catching it while listening to a Freakanomics podcast called Legacy of a Jerk when a heard something that changed my prospective of my dad. To those of you closly related to him you might, no you know for sure that Jeffrey Todd Fredrick […]
Remember my post yesterday about feeling good? Hummm, not so good today. Cali 1998 – 2012 Saying Good Bye In 1998 on a hot early summer evening a puppy was thrown from a car door into the front yard of my parents old house in Clements, CA. The house windows were open to try to […]
This morning mom came into our room, she set Eliana down in my bed and she told us that as we knew one of Cali’s back legs were giving her trouble… well yesterday morning her other hind leg gave out. The vets had told us that if that happened there was nothing they could do […]
Is it the family and friends that have visited? Is it that we are on our 2nd day of sunny warm weather? Is it because I have a date with my husband to take a salsa dancing lesson tonight? It is hard to say why I feel so good, but I sure does feel good […]